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Save Me Now Introduction

In December 2020, Paul McCartney released his McCartney 3 album. This was a collection of songs he created during lockdown with him writing ...

Friday 26 July 2024



Releasing three albums within the space of six months of each other was quite an intense and exhausting task. I put in so many hours of hard work and effort to get them over the line that I said to myself that once the Save Me Now album was released in January 2024, I would take a break. It felt the right thing to do as surely my creative energy had dried up?


During the recording of Edge of the Universe, The Georgia Project and Save Me Now, I had written and recorded about twenty or thirty other half finished demo songs. Many of them were a couple of years old and I had forgotten about them. One day I decided to have a tidy up of my hard drive, so ended up loading up the projects and was pleasantly surprised to find some real gems which, with a bit of time and effort, had potential to be half decent.

The approach was very much a case of let’s do a bit at a time and not force or rush into a new project. At the same time, I continued to write new material. This is something I cannot stop. My head seems to be filled with music all the time. This is both a curse and a blessing.

I soon realised in early February that without having to put much effort in, I would have another two albums worth of songs. 

So I asked myself the question ‘should I do this so soon?’. The answer was of course a resounding ‘YES’.

Anyway, my third album will be available very, very soon........

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